Electrostatic and electrical equipment
Ruhmkorff Induction Coil
An electromagnetic SteamPunk extravaganza
I recently was given a Ruhmkorff coil, an induction coil, I already had a small one but this one is a monster and I cannot thank the people that gave me this massive beast enough. I won’t say who they are because you never know they might get into trouble.
Standard electrodes. Notice the arc is stronger at one side than the other, considering it is AC I was surprised by the apparent polarity.
Electromagnetic Lab Equipment
ElectroMagnetic Steampunk : Or the stuff that has been in the prep room for years and nobody knows what it is.
I have loads of bits and bobs of electrical kit, some of it used for a levels and other things that have now fallen out of fashion, lovely to look at. More pages to appear when I can.