On the Fringe of Science Vol 1. Cranks, Quacks and Conmen
On the Fringe of Science Vol 1. Cranks, Quacks and Conmen
Some ideas in science last and prove their worth,
others are shown by time to be downright dangerous and some are just plain wrong,
or quite possibly insane.
And then we have the con men and the frauds.
There are just so many things to say.
The people of the past were no dafter than we are but some of the things they believed and did were just hilarious.
A show played for laughs, it is cheap shot to mock the past but some of it really does deserve it.
This is a show that is ideal for more adult audience at a festival, science or otherwise.
Running for an hour and needing only a table and a projector.
Some ideas in science last and prove their worth,
others are shown by time to be downright dangerous and some are just plain wrong,
or quite possibly insane.
And then we have the con men and the frauds.
There are just so many things to say.
The people of the past were no dafter than we are but some of the things they believed and did were just hilarious.
A show played for laughs, it is cheap shot to mock the past but some of it really does deserve it.
This is a show that is ideal for more adult audience at a festival, science or otherwise.
Running for an hour and needing only a table and a projector.
Curriculum links
Living things and their habitats
Earth and space
Scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding
The nature, processes and methods of science
Many schools then get me to spend time in classes answering any questions pupils